• Since 2009, Miami Beach Senior High School has been the yearly recipient of a very generous donation from a caring Miami Beach resident, who prefers to remain anonymous. It has been the Student U.S. Grant Committee's responsibility to handle this anonymous person's donations. We meet monthly (first Tuesday of every month) in the PTA room. This room is located by the elevator in the first floor of the 300 Building. Hope to see you there!

    2014-2015 Officers
    P r e s i d e n t : Nikolas Rojas-Elcadi (e-mail)
    V i c e  P r e s i d e n t : Anahi Hurtado (e-mail)
    S e c r e t a r y : Lennie Adaza (e-mail)
    G r a n t  C o o r d i n a t o r : Brianna Schwartz (e-mail)
    P u b l i c  R e l a t i o n s : Alex Radick (e-mail)
    W e b m a s t e r / H i s t o r i a n : Leila Adaza (e-mail)
Last Modified on October 8, 2014