Cafeteria Party/ Second Meeting

Posted by Melany Kinderkneht on 10/2/2013 2:25:00 PM

First of all, I wanted to apologize for the inconvenience at the cafeteria today. 
*For the people who RECEIVED AN INVITATION:  
      I'm extremely sorry for the crowded place. There were about 30 people who were NOT invited, but they decided to show up anyways. I'm sorry that some of you who were invited didn't get to get food first. I also apologize for having you sit through those very boring first minutes. We usually never have boring meetings like that, but we had to wait a while and stall until Ms. Carro came back from Publix from buying the cupcakes and pastries. I just really wanted to apologize because I wanted your first meeting to be super fun and have you want to come again, but unfortunately, it didn't go as planned. 
      I'm sorry because I'm probably going to come of as rude, but honestly, that was extremely disrespectful. The board had planned everything out for the 60 members who WERE invited, with enough food and drinks. I'm going to ask you to please, not come to the next meeting? Please, this is extremely hard for us, we had to choose only 60 people out of about 200 applications, so it was already hard on us to not allow everyone in. We did not choose only based on GPA. We chose people with GPA's higher than 3.0 (with very few exceptions), sophomores and juniors were priorities, and depending on what you filled out. We are going to go over everyone's applications and see if there are any changes we can make.  
Again, I apologize for both of you, and for previous members, you know that the first couple of meetings are pretty hectic.
Looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting. :)