Welcome to ENC 1101: Writing and Rhetoric 1

  • Required Texts (will be provided to you):

  • Teaching Philosophy:

    Ever since I was a little girl, I've been enthralled with writing--the learning, the teaching, and the end product. Having the opportunity to be a Language Arts teacher for the past twelve years has been an absolute dream come true. I'm proud to serve the same community in which I was raised, Miami Beach, and I will forever work with this community to ensure the well-being of our students. Each day, I envision a Miami-Dade where education is a priority, where our students are cherished, and where the lives of the many are utterly transformed by the opportunities they find in their school and community. Teaching writing within a supportive community of learning will help our students touch the hearts and minds, not only with their words, but with their actions, in order that the voices of our children will resonate clearly. 


    ENG 6937 Reflective Memo:

    With an ever-growing opportunity gap in our country, teachers are continually examining the path toward equity in education for our most underserved communities.  Success and attainment for the most disadvantaged requires a look at the local environment in which students are taught.  Fostering student engagement with their surroundings through writing is one step in the process of preserving our students’ rights to a fair and just opportunity for success.

    Being able to increase my own engaegment with writing through this course has, overall, encouraged me to continue to use writing in my classroom as a way to inspire students to advocate for equitable education.  Being able to teach writing and rhetorical practices will ensure that I am still affecting the community, and even at a grander scale.  It has been a privilege to learn more about the pedagogical expectations of your institution that are leading teachers to better impact student success. 


Phone: 305-532-4515 ext. 2289


Degrees and Certifications:

English Education, M.S. Global and Sociocultural Studies, M.S.

Ms. Lucia Baez