Deep Thoughts

IB Junior Philosophy

  • "Know Thyself"

    IB Philsophy with Joshua Childs.

    Welcome to Philosophy. This course stems from the basic human desire to ask "why?".

    It is often surmised that humans have been pondering the predicament of human existence since self awareness struck.

    Many bright hominids have come up with compelling answers to the question.

    We will study interesting ideas and systems of thought throughout your coursework in philosophy.

    The goal for this course is for you to develop the tools to think critically about your envirionment. 

    An excellent grade in the course is earned not only by studying the ideas of the past but by using the ideas of great thinkers 

    to be able to formulate and explain your own unique epistemology.


    IB states the goal thusly:

    Philosophy is a systematic critical inquiry into profound, fascinnating and challenging questions such as: What is it to be human?

    Do we have free will?  What do we mean when we say something is right or wrong?


    These abstract questions arise out of our everyday experiences, and philosophical tools such as critical and systematic thinking,

    careful analysis, and construction of arguments provide the means of addressing such questions. The practice of philosophy

    deepens and clarifies our understanding of these questions, as well as our ability to formulate possible reponses.


    The practical place to share your contributions to knowledge in this course is the edmodo page. The edmodo sign in is- 74w283.


    The emphasis of the Diploma Programme philosophy course is on "doing philosophy", that is, on activiely engaging students in

    philosophical activity. The course is focused on stimulating students intellectual curiosity and encouraging to examine both 

    their own perspectives and those of others. Students are challenged to develop their own philosophical voice and to grow into

    independent thinkers., in addition to engaging with some of the world's most interesting and influential thinkers. The course

    also develops highly transferable skills such as the ability to formulate arguments clearly, to make reasoned judgements and

    to evaluate highly complex and multifaceted issues.


    All students study a core theme entitled "Being Human". This theme provides an opportunity to explore the fundamental question

    of what it is to be human. This exploration takes place through a discussion of key concepts such as identity, freedom,

    and human nature, and through a consideration of questions such as what sets humans apart from other species, where the

    boundaries of being human lie, and whether animals or machines could be considered persons. Students also develop their skills

    through the study of other philosophical themes and the close reading of a philosophical text. They also learn to apply their

    philosophical knowledge and skills to real life situations and to explore how non-philosophical material can be treated in a philosophical way.


    HL Students also engage in a deeper exploration of the nature of philosophy itself.



    Syllabus Outline


    Philosophy Guide- This is the official IB Guide to the course pages 15 and 16 should be printed and added to your notebook.


    Week 1-

    What is Philosophy?

    Acquire a copy of Plato's Republic edited by Allan Bloom

    Acquire a copy of Philosopher's Way by John Chaffee. (3rd edition recommended)

    Read and Discuss:

            Plato: Socratic Wisdom 

            John Locke: Of Enthusaism and the Quest for Truth 

            Bertrand Russell: The Value of Philosophy


    Week 2-

    What is Man?

    Introduction to Logic- Deductive vs Inductive

    Begin Chapter 1 of Plato's Republic.


    Week 3- 

    What is Man?

    Formal Logic 

    Chapter 2 of Plato's Republic


    Week 4-

    What is Man?

    Logical Fallacies

    Chapter 3 & 4 of Plato's Republic


    Week 5-

    What is Man?

    Overview of Philosophy

    Chapter 5 Plato's Republic


    Week 6- 

    What is man? Outlines and essay prompt.

    Chapter 6 Plato's Republic

    IA Discussion

    Week 7- 

    What is Man? Rough Draft Due.

    Chapter 8 Plato's Republic


    Week 8- 

    What is Man? Final Draft

    Chapters 9 & 10 Plato's Republic


    Week 9- 

    Plato- Outlines and Essay Prompts 

    Introduction to Ethics


    Week 10- 


    IA Discusion


    Week 11- ESSAY TEST


    Test on Plato and What is Man!


    Week 12- Ethics


    Week 13- Ethics