Textual Rhetorical Analysis

Please, follow the guidelines below as you complete your assignment.


Click here for second paper assignment!


Primary Texts:

“The Right To Understand” a TED Talk by Sandra Fisher-Martins

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tlt47diDnHU


 “Txtng is killing language. JK!!!” a TED Talk by John McWhorter

Video: http://www.ted.com/talks/john_mcwhorter_txtng_is_killing_language_jk?language=en


"American 'multilingualism': A national tragedy" by Franklin Raff



“Why this bilingual education ban should have repealed long ago” by Phillip M. Carter



"Read like a Writer" by Mike Bunn



Due Dates:

Critical Response Outline: 5/4/18

Rought Draft- Due on Turnitin: Monday 5/7/18 (750 words)- Optional if you want feedback 

Peer Edit/Conference- 5/8/18

Final paper due- May 14th, 2018 by midnight


Critical Response Outline:

The central issue or principal message. What is a secondary issue brought up within the story?
**What stands out about his or her writing, or the way he/she makes his/her point? What could you say about the author’s use of appeals, for example?

What are the author’s arguments about the central issue or principal message (claims).

***What do you find interesting, surprising or problematic about the rhetorical strategies used by the author of your primary text?

What data/evidence does the author use?

***Discuss how this evidence relates to you.

Return to your outline. Do you still want to focus your analysis on the same thing?

If you were to summarize the focus of your analysis into a sentence or two at this point, could you?
****If so, develop it into a paragraph where you connect the author’s stylistic or rhetorical choices to his or her purpose and audience.


Analysis Structure