Silver Knights 2020

Congratulations Silver Knights and  Candidates!

Berman   Nunez  Frankel   Grodin  Jain  Lee  Moreira  Sharmat

Shea Berman: Let's Get This Bread: Organized the collection of excess food from supermarkets to donate to local homeless populations, as well as needy students at JFK Middle School. 

Genna Grodin:  I co-founded Students for Naloxone, which serves to advocate for the stocking of the opioid antagonist Naloxone (commonly known as Narcan) in K-12 public schools across Florida

Ashley Sharmat The goal of this project is to inflict joy into these children's lives by allowing them to meet and interact with their favorite movie characters. We have characters such as Anna, Elsa, Mickey Mouse, Spiderman, and many more popular children's Characters.

David Frankel: This is a program that I started as a sophomore October 2017, consisting of high-school student tutors going to elementary schools’ after school care programs and working with students on their homework and helping them build up basic knowledge to ensure future success.

Victoria Moreira, Honorable Mention: I am the founder and president of Hi-Guides, a program in my school that helps new students understand the opportunities available at our school including academies and clubs

Sophia Jain: Founded a dance program at the Lotus House
Women's and Children's shelter

Heavyn Lee: After seeing the disparity of the quality of education between poor and affluent neighborhoods, my academic interests have been in bridging this

Camila Nunez: The Miami Beach Senior High Compost Project  is new to the school this year. I wanted to raise environmental awareness by introducing the concept of composting to both students and faculty.