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March 20:   Grades have been submitted to the registrar

                   Remember to join REMIND: Sign in with code:@  mbsh630

                   Remember my email is:

                   Have a safe  spring break!

March 19: Review of grades

Grades will be finalized Friday. Review your grades as then it will be too late for you to write me.

Teachers should complete all gradebook entries by  Friday, March 20, 2020.  (11:00 am for A. Muhtar)

Those that did not join REMIND (the APP) do so as this will be benefial for you. It will apply to  your participation grade for the fourth quarter. Remember my email is:

March 18: 

All grades will be finalized this week. If you have anything to state email me as spring break starts Saturday.


The State of Florida has issued the following statements: (Thank you Mr. Russell for the information)

"All public and private K-12 and career and technical center campuses are closed through April 15, 2020".

"School districts should be prepared to extend their educational calendars through June 30, 2020, to the extent feasible and necessary."

"All remaining assessments for school readiness, voluntary prekindergarten and K-12 assessments are cancelled for the 2019-2020 school year."
"For the next 120 days, exam fees for teacher certification-related examinations will be waived, and test takers who were unable to take an exam due to test site locations closing will be granted an extension to meet these requirements. "

March 16: 

Please sign in to the Remind APP (Dowowmload from Google Play): Sign in with code:@  mbsh630

March 13:

Due to the fact that MDCPS has declared all schools to be closed MBSH is included.


Algebra Two class will have the following format:


You may contact me through email at I will be online from 8:00am to 11:00am to answer emails for you to contact me during school days. I will respond to your emails asap (as soon as possible). Please look at this page daily in case of any changes.

I have graded all papers except two that had no name, no period and no date on them. Therefore they could not be graded.


The  9.3 Classwork - Homework is due March 18, 2020


You will be given a Chapter 9 Test after spring break.


Please review each day Chapter 9 which includes 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3.  Use your book that was supplied to you or use the elctronic book on your portal to review. each section has a video that you can learn with.  Also use Khan Academy by using the title of each section in the search section of Khan Academy.


Be safe.

Coach Muhtar